The Five Pillars

Somm Sustainability is a resource for holistic sustainability education to empower sommeliers of all levels with accessible information based on the five pillars: soil health and biodiversity, energy, DEI, business, and climate action. Our vision is a community of sustainability champions, #SOMMbassadors, positively impacting our planet.

The role of the SOMMELIER and why it matters in the context of SUSTAINABILITY for the wine industry today.

It’s a soil to guest effort.

Even though we may not work in direct contact with agriculture, our choices have an ecological impact.

Let's embrace the role of #SOMMbassadors

In the imperative of sustainability and climate action. Together, we can make a positive impact on our planet!

Our Tools

  • We provide comprehensive wine and service education to hospitality staff with a focus on sustainability.

  • Let us help you achieve sustainability with our team education and wine list curation.

  • Coming soon!

SommCon 2023

Get everything from our From Influence To Action: Somm Sustainability Talk & Workshop.